
How can you help?#

Here is what you can do to help the project:

  • Use vsketch and let people know about it.

  • Give any type of feedback (what works well, missing features, possible API improvement, bugs, etc.) by opening an issue or contacting the author.

  • Contribute to the improvement of this documentation.

  • Contribute code via pull requests.

In case of doubt, let’s get the discussion started on the Drawingbots Discord server.

Development environment#

If you intend to modify vsketch (either for your own purpose or contribute improvements), you will need to properly setup a development environment. Vsketch uses Poetry for project management (see installation instructions). Then, run the following commands:

git clone
cd vsketch
poetry install --with docs # installs everything needed including vsketch in editable mode

Poetry will automatically create a virtual environment. You can spawn a shell with the virtual environment activated with the following command:

poetry shell

You can run tests with the following command:

$ poetry run pytest

Using just#

vsketch provides a justfile for common operations. Just must be installed to use it.

The following command list the available recipes:

just -l

For example, you may build the documentation using this command:

just docs-build

Available recipes include:

  • just docs-build : build the documentation

  • just docs-clean : clean the documentations build file

  • just docs-live : run a live server for the documentation

  • just install : install a complete dev environment

  • just test : run all tests

  • just test-failed : run previously failed tests

  • just update-deps : update Poetry’s lockfile


You can help the project making Ko-Fi donation or sponsoring me on GitHub. The funds will be used to cover my development costs.