
This module implements the vsketch API.




Core drawing API.


Reusable and drawable shape with support for boolean operations.


Base class for sketch managed with the vsk CLI tool.


Generic parameter for SketchClass.


class vsketch.Vsketch#

Core drawing API.

All drawing are created through an instance of Vsketch.

Typically, a Vsketch instance is provided to your SketchClass subclass by vsketch.

Alternatively, Vsketch instance may be manually created and used in a standalone script:

>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.rect(10, 10, 50, 50)
>>> vsk.display()
>>> vsk.save("output.svg")




Define the level of detail for curved paths.

size(width, height, landscape, center)

Define the page layout.


Set the current stroke color.


Disable stroke.


Set the stroke weight.


Set the style of the joints that connects line segments.


Set the current fill color.


Disable fill.

penWidth(width, layer)

Configure the pen width.


Get the pen width for a given layer.


Reset the current transformation matrix.


Push the current transformation matrix onto the matrix stack.


Pop the current transformation matrix from the matrix stack.


Print the current transformation matrix.

scale(sx, sy)

Apply a scale factor to the current transformation matrix.

rotate(angle, degrees)

Apply a rotation to the current transformation matrix.

translate(dx, dy)

Apply a translation to the current transformation matrix.

line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Draw a line.

circle(x, y, diameter, radius, mode)

Draw a circle.

ellipse(x, y, w, h, mode)

Draw an ellipse.

arc(x, y, w, h, start, stop, degrees, close, mode)

Draw an arc.


Change the way parameters are interpreted to draw ellipses.

point(x, y)

Draw a point.

rect(x, y, w, h, *radii, tl, tr, br, bl, mode)

Draw a rectangle.

square(x, y, extent, mode)

Draw a square.


Change the way parameters are interpreted to draw rectangles.

quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)

Draw a quadrilateral.

triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

Draw a triangle.

polygon(x, y, holes, close)

Draw a polygon.


Draw a Shapely geometry.

bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)

Draws a Bezier curve

bezierPoint(a, b, c, d, t)

Evaluates the Bezier at point t for points a, b, c, d. The

bezierTangent(a, b, c, d, t)

Calculates the tangent of a point on a Bezier curve.



shape(shp, mask_lines, mask_points)

Draw a shape.


Draw the content of another Vsketch.


Execute a vpype pipeline on the current sketch.

display(paper, pen_up, colorful, axes, grid, unit, fig_size)

Display the sketch on screen using matplotlib.

save(file, device, *None, format, color_mode, layer_label, paper_size, velocity, quiet)

Save the current sketch to a SVG or HPGL file.

random(a, b)

Return a random number with an uniform distribution between specified bounds.


Return a random number according to a gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and a


Set the seed for random() and randomGaussian().

noise(x, y, z, grid_mode)

Returns the Perlin noise value at specified coordinates.

noiseDetail(lod, falloff)

Adjusts parameters of the Perlin noise function.


Set the random seed for noise().

lerp(start, stop, amt)

static Interpolate between two numbers or arrays.

map(value, start1, stop1, start2, stop2)

static Map a value from one range to the other.

easing(value, mode, start1, stop1, start2, stop2, low_dead, high_dead, param)

static Map a value from one range to another, using an easing function.


Controls how text is laid out.

text(text, x, y, *None, width, font, size, mode, align, line_spacing, justify)

Add text to your sketch!


detail(epsilon: float | str) None#

Define the level of detail for curved paths.

Vsketch internally stores exclusively so called line strings, i.e. paths made of straight segments. Curved geometries (e.g. circle()) are approximated by many small segments. The level of detail controls the maximum size these segments may have. The default value is set to 0.1mm, with is good enough for most plotting needs.

Note: detail() applies to all primitives, including e.g. bezier(). As such, it replaces some of Processing’s API, such as bezierDetail() or curveDetail().


detail() accepts string values with unit:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.detail("1mm")

A float input is interpretted as CSS pixels:

>>> vsk.detail(1.)

epsilon -- maximum length of segments approximating curved elements (may be a string value with units -- float value are interpreted as CSS pixels

size(width: float | str, height: float | str | None = None, landscape: bool = False, center: bool = True) None#

Define the page layout.

If floats are for width and height, they are interpreted as CSS pixel (same as SVG). Alternatively, strings can be passed and may contain units. The string form accepts both two parameters, or a single, vpype-like page size specifier.

Page size specifier can either be a known page size (see vpype write --help for a list) or a string in the form of WxH, where both W and H may have units (e.g. 15inx10in.

By default, the sketch is always centered on the page. This can be disabled with center=False. In this case, the sketch’s absolute coordinates are used, with (0, 0) corresponding to the page’s top-left corner and Y coordinates increasing downwards.

The current page size (in CSS pixels) can be obtained with width and height properties.


Known page size can be used directly:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.size("a4")

Alternatively, the page size can be explicitly provided. All of the following calls are strictly equivalent:

>>> vsk.size("15in", "10in")
>>> vsk.size("10in", "15in", landscape=True)
>>> vsk.size("15inx10in")
>>> vsk.size("15in", 960.)  # 1in = 96 CSS pixels
  • width -- page width or page format specifier if h is omitted

  • height -- page height

  • landscape -- rotate page size by 90 degrees if True

  • center -- if False, automatic centering is disabled

stroke(c: int) None#

Set the current stroke color.


c (strictly positive int) -- the color (e.g. layer) to use for path

noStroke() None#

Disable stroke.

strokeWeight(weight: int) None#

Set the stroke weight.

By default, stroke are plotted with a single line. Stroke can be made thicker by setting weight greater than 1 using this function. With stroke weight greater than 1, each stroke will be drawn with multiple lines, each spaced by the pen width defined for the current layer. The pen width must thus be properly set for good results.

See also


weight (strictly positive int) -- number of plotted lines to use for strokes

strokeJoin(join_style: str) None#

Set the style of the joints that connects line segments.

Defines how joints between line segments are drawn when stroke weight is greater than 1. The available styles are "round" (default), "mitre", and "bevel".


join_style ("round", "mitre", or "bevel") -- join style to use

fill(c: int) None#

Set the current fill color. :param c: the color (e.g. layer) to use for fill :type c: strictly positive int

noFill() None#

Disable fill.

penWidth(width: float | str, layer: int | None = None) None#

Configure the pen width.

For some feature, vsketch needs to know the width of your pen to for an optimal output. For example, the hatching pattern generated by fill() must be spaced by the right amount. The default pen width is set to 0.3mm.

The default pen width can be set this way, and will be used for all layers unless a layer-specific pen width is provided:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.penWidth("0.5mm")

A layer-specific pen width can be defined this way:

>>> vsk.penWidth("1mm", 2)  # set pen width of layer 2 to 1mm

If float is used as input, it is interpreted as CSS pixels.

  • width -- pen width

  • layer -- if provided, ID of the layer for which the pen width must be set (otherwise the default pen width is changed)

getPenWidth(layer: int | None) float | None#

Get the pen width for a given layer.


layer -- layer ID (or None for default pen width)


the pen width (or None if not defined)

resetMatrix() vsketch.utils.ResetMatrixContextManager#

Reset the current transformation matrix.

It can also be used as a context manager. In this case, pushMatrix() and its associated popMatrix() will be called automatically.


Using resetMatrix() as is:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.rotate(45)
>>> vsk.scale(20, 3)
>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 4, 5)  # will be rotated and scaled
>>> vsk.resetMatrix()
>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 2, 3)  # won't be rotated and scaled

Using context manager:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.rotate(42)
>>> with vsk.resetMatrix():
...     vsk.rect(5, 4, 20, 15)  # won't be rotated by 42° rotation
>>> vsk.rect(2, 2, 10, 10)  # will be rotated by 42°

See also


a context manager object for use with a with statement

Return type:

context manager object

pushMatrix() vsketch.utils.MatrixPopper#

Push the current transformation matrix onto the matrix stack.

Each call to pushMatrix() should be matched by exactly one call to popMatrix() to maintain consistency. Alternatively, the context manager returned by pushMatrix() can be used to automatically call popMatrix()


Using matching popMatrix():

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> for _ in range(5):
...    vsk.pushMatrix()
...    vsk.rotate(_*5, degrees=True)
...    vsk.rect(-2, -2, 2, 2)
...    vsk.popMatrix()
...    vsk.translate(5, 0)

Using context manager:

>>> for _ in range(5):
...    with vsk.pushMatrix():
...        vsk.rotate(_*5, degrees=True)
...        vsk.rect(-2, -2, 2, 2)
...    vsk.translate(5, 0)

a context manager object for use with a with statement

Return type:

context manager object

popMatrix() None#

Pop the current transformation matrix from the matrix stack.

printMatrix() None#

Print the current transformation matrix.

scale(sx: float | str, sy: float | str | None = None) None#

Apply a scale factor to the current transformation matrix.


Set sketch units to centimeters:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.scale("1cm")
>>> vsk.square(5, 5, 2)  # square with 2cm-long sides

Apply a non-homogeneous scale transformation:

>>> vsk.scale(2, 3)
  • sx -- scale factor along x axis (can be a string with units)

  • sy -- scale factor along y axis (can be a string with units) or None, in which case the same value as sx is used

rotate(angle: float, degrees: bool = False) None#

Apply a rotation to the current transformation matrix.

The coordinates are always rotated around their relative position to the origin. Positive numbers rotate objects in a clockwise direction and negative numbers rotate in the counter-clockwise direction.

  • angle -- the angle of the rotation in radian (or degrees if degrees=True)

  • degrees -- if True, the input is interpreted as degree instead of radians

translate(dx: float, dy: float) None#

Apply a translation to the current transformation matrix.

  • dx -- translation along X axis

  • dy -- translation along Y axis

line(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None#

Draw a line.

  • x1 -- X coordinate of starting point

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of starting point

  • x2 -- X coordinate of ending point

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of ending point

circle(x: float, y: float, diameter: float | None = None, radius: float | None = None, mode: str | None = None) None#

Draw a circle.

The level of detail used to approximate the circle is controlled by detail(). As for the ellipse() function, the way arguments are interpreted is influenced by the mode set with ellipseMode() or the mode argument.


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.circle(0, 0, 10)  # by default, diameter is used
>>> vsk.circle(0, 0, radius=5)  # radius can be specified instead
  • x -- x coordinate of the center

  • y -- y coordinate of the center

  • diameter -- circle diameter (or None if using radius)

  • radius -- circle radius (or None if using diameter

  • mode -- one of ‘center’, ‘radius’, ‘corner’, ‘corners’

ellipse(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, mode: str | None = None) None#

Draw an ellipse.

The way x, y, w, and h parameters are interpreted depends on the current ellipse mode.

By default, x and y set the location of the ellipse center, w sets its width, and h sets its height. The way these parameters are interpreted can be changed with the ellipseMode() function (which changes the default for subsequent calls to ellipse()) or the mode argument (which only affects this call).


By default, the argument are interpreted as the center coordinates as well as the width and height:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.ellipse(2, 2, 1, 4)

Alternative ellipse mode can be set as the default for subsequence calls with ellipseMode():

>>> vsk.ellipseMode(mode="radius")
>>> vsk.ellipse(3, 3, 2, 1)
>>> vsk.ellipse(8, 8, 2, 1)  # both of these call are in "radius" mode

Or they can be set for a single call only:

>>> vsk.ellipse(2, 2, 10, 12, mode="corners")
  • x -- by default, x coordinate of the ellipse center

  • y -- by default, y coordinate of the ellipse center

  • w -- by default, the ellipse width

  • h -- by default, the ellipse height

  • mode -- “corner”, “corners”, “radius”, or “center” (see ellipseMode())

arc(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, start: float, stop: float, degrees: bool | None = False, close: str | None = 'no', mode: str | None = None) None#

Draw an arc.

The way x, y, w, and h parameters are interpreted depends on the current ellipse mode (see ellipse() for a detailed explanation) and refer to the arc’s underlying ellipse.

The close parameter controls the arc’s closure: no keeps it open, chord closes it with a straight line, and pie connects the two endings with the arc center.


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.arc(2, 3, 5, 4, 0, np.pi / 2)
>>> vsk.arc(6, 6, 1, 2, np.pi / 2, np.pi, mode="corner", close="pie")
  • x -- by default, X coordinate of the associated ellipse center

  • y -- by default, Y coordinate of the associated ellipse center

  • w -- by default, width of the associated ellipse

  • h -- by default, height of the associated ellipse

  • start -- angle to start the arc (in radians)

  • stop -- angle to stop the arc (in radians)

  • degrees -- set to True to use degrees for start and stop angles (default: False)

  • close -- “no”, “chord” or “pie” (default: “no”)

  • mode -- “corner”, “corners”, “radius”, or “center” (see ellipseMode())

ellipseMode(mode: str) None#

Change the way parameters are interpreted to draw ellipses.

The default is “center”, where the first two parameters are the center coordinates, and the third and fourth are the width and height of the ellipse.

“radius” interprets the first two parameters as the center coordinates, while the third and fourth represent half the width and height of the ellipse.

“corner” interprets the first two parameters as the top-left corner coordinates of the ellipse’s bounding box, while the third and fourth parameters are the ellipse width and height.

“corners” interprets the first two parameters as the coordinates of a corner of the ellipse’s bounding box, and the third and fourth parameters as the opposite corner coordinates.

See also


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.ellipseMode("radius")
>>> vsk.ellipse(2, 2, 3, 5)

mode -- one of “center”, “radius”, “corner”, “corners”.

point(x: float, y: float) None#

Draw a point.

For best plotting results, a tiny circle is actually drawn with diameter set to the current layer’s pen width.


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.point(2, 3.5)
  • x -- X coordinate

  • y -- Y coordinate

rect(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, *radii: float, tl: float | None = None, tr: float | None = None, br: float | None = None, bl: float | None = None, mode: str | None = None) None#

Draw a rectangle.

The way x, y, w, and h parameters are interpreted depends on the current rect

By default, x and y set the location of the upper-left corner, w sets the width, and h sets the height. The way these parameters are interpreted can be changed with the rectMode() function (which changes the default for subsequent calls to rect()) or the mode argument (which only affects this call).

The optional parameters tl, tr, br and bl define the radius used for each corner (default: 0). If some corner radius is not specified, it will be set equal to the previous corner radius. If the sum of two consecutive corner radii are greater than their associated edge lenght, their values will be rescaled to fit the rectangle.


By default, the argument are interpreted as the top left corner as well as the width and height:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 2, 4)  # 2x4 rectangle with top-left corner at (0, 0)

Alternative rect mode can be set as the default for subsequence calls with rectMode():

>>> vsk.rectMode(mode="radius")
>>> vsk.rect(3, 3, 2, 1)
>>> vsk.rect(8, 8, 2, 1)  # both of these call are in "radius" mode

Or they can be set for a single call only:

>>> vsk.rect(2, 2, 10, 12, mode="corners")

Drawing rectangles with rounded corners:

>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 5, 5, 5)  # all corners are rounded with a radius of 5
>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 4, 4, 1.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1)  # all corner radii specified
>>> vsk.rect(5, 5, 20, 20, tr=3, bl=5)  # specified corners rounded, others
                                        # default to 0
  • x -- by default, x coordinate of the top-left corner

  • y -- by default, y coordinate of the top-left corner

  • w -- by default, the rectangle width

  • h -- by default, the rectangle height (same as width if not provided)

  • tl -- top-left corner radius (0 if not provided)

  • tr -- top-right corner radius (same as tl if not provided)

  • br -- bottom-right corner radius (same as tr if not provided)

  • bl -- bottom-left corner radius (same as br if not provided)

  • mode -- “corner”, “corners”, “radius”, or “center” (see rectMode())

square(x: float, y: float, extent: float, mode: str | None = None) None#

Draw a square.

As for the rect() function, the way arguments are interpreted is influenced by the mode set with rectMode() or the mode argument.

See also


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.square(2, 2, 2.5)
  • x -- X coordinate of top-left corner

  • y -- Y coordinate of top-left corner

  • extent -- width and height of the square

  • mode -- “corner”, “radius”, or “center” (see rectMode()) — note that the “corners” mode is meaningless for this function, and is interpreted as the “corner” mode

rectMode(mode: str) None#

Change the way parameters are interpreted to draw rectangles.

The default is “corner”, where the first two parameters are the top-left corner coordinates, and the third and fourth are the width, respectively the height of the rectangle.

In rect(), “corners” interprets the first two parameters as the coordinates of a corner, and the third and fourth parameters as the opposite corner coordinates. In square(), “corners” is interpreted as “corner”.

“center” interprets the first two parameters as the shape’s center coordinates, and the third and fourth parameters as the shape’s width and height.

“radius” interprets the first two parameters as the shape’s center coordinates, and the third and fourth parameters as half of the shape’s width and height.

See also


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.rectMode("center")
>>> vsk.square(3, 3, 1.5)
>>> vsk.rect(2, 2, 3.5, 1)

mode -- one of “corner”, “corners”, “center”, “radius”.

quad(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, x4: float, y4: float) None#

Draw a quadrilateral.


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.quad(0, 0, 1, 3.5, 4.5, 4.5, 3.5, 1)
  • x1 -- X coordinate of the first vertex

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of the first vertex

  • x2 -- X coordinate of the second vertex

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of the second vertex

  • x3 -- X coordinate of the third vertex

  • y3 -- Y coordinate of the third vertex

  • x4 -- X coordinate of the last vertex

  • y4 -- Y coordinate of the last vertex

triangle(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float) None#

Draw a triangle.


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.triangle(2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2.5)
  • x1 -- X coordinate of the first corner

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of the first corner

  • x2 -- X coordinate of the second corner

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of the second corner

  • x3 -- X coordinate of the third corner

  • y3 -- Y coordinate of the third corner

polygon(x: Iterable[float] | Iterable[complex] | Iterable[Sequence[float]], y: Iterable[float] | None = None, holes: Iterable[Iterable[Sequence[float]]] = (), close: bool = False) None#

Draw a polygon.


A single iterable of size-2 sequence can be used:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.polygon([(0, 0), (2, 3), (3, 2)])

A 1-dimension iterable of complex can also be used:

>>> vsk.polygon([3 + 3j, 2 + 5j, 4 + 7j])

Alternatively, two iterables of float can be passed:

>>> vsk.polygon([0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 2])

The polygon can be automatically closed if needed:

>>> vsk.polygon([0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 2], close=True)

Finally, polygons can have holes, which is useful when using fill():

>>> vsk.polygon([0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1],
...             holes=[[(0.3, 0.3), (0.3, 0.6), (0.6, 0.6)]])
  • x -- X coordinates or iterable of size-2 points (if y is omitted)

  • y -- Y coordinates

  • holes -- list of holes inside the polygon

  • close -- the polygon is closed if True

geometry(shape: Any) None#

Draw a Shapely geometry.

This function should accept any of LineString, LinearRing, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, Point, or Polygon.


shape (Shapely geometry) -- a supported shapely geometry object

bezier(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, x4: float, y4: float) None#

Draws a Bezier curve

Bezier curves are defined by a series of anchor and control points. The first two arguments specify the first anchor point and the last two arguments specify the other anchor point. The middle arguments specify the control points which define the shape of the curve.

  • x1 -- X coordinate of the first anchor point

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of the first anchor point

  • x2 -- X coordinate of the first control point

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of the first control point

  • x3 -- X coordinate of the second control point

  • y3 -- Y coordinate of the second control point

  • x4 -- X coordinate of the second anchor point

  • y4 -- Y coordinate of the second anchor point

bezierPoint(a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float, t: float) float#

Evaluates the Bezier at point t for points a, b, c, d. The parameter t varies between 0 and 1, a and d are points on the curve, and b and c are the control points. This can be done once with the X coordinates and a second time with the Y coordinates to get the location of a bezier curve at t.

See also


  • a -- coordinate of the first point of the curve

  • b -- coordinate of the first control point

  • c -- coordinate of the second control point

  • d -- coordinate of the second point of the curve

  • t -- value between 0 and 1


evaluated coordinate on the bezier curve

bezierTangent(a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float, t: float) float#

Calculates the tangent of a point on a Bezier curve.

  • a -- coordinate of the first point of the curve

  • b -- coordinate of the first control point

  • c -- coordinate of the second control point

  • d -- coordinate of the second point of the curve

  • t -- value between 0 and 1


evaluated tangent on the bezier curve

createShape() vsketch.shape.Shape#
shape(shp: vsketch.shape.Shape, mask_lines: bool | None = None, mask_points: bool | None = None) None#

Draw a shape.

Draw a shape, including its area, lines, and points. If a fill() layer is active, it is used for the area. Likewise, the current penWidth() is used for points (see points()).

By default, the shape’s lines and points are masked by the its area if a fill layer is active (such as to avoid unwanted interaction with the hatch fill), and left unmasked if not. This behaviour can be overridden using the mask_lines and mask_points parameters.

  • shp -- the shape to draw

  • mask_lines -- controls whether the shape’s line are masked by its area (default: True if fill active, otherwise False)

  • mask_points -- controls whether the shape’s points are masked by its area (default: True if fill active, otherwise False)

sketch(sub_sketch: Vsketch) None#

Draw the content of another Vsketch.

Vsketch objects being self-contained, multiple instances can be created by a single program, for example to create complex shapes in a sub-sketch to be used multiple times in the main sketch. This function can be used to draw in a sketch the content of another sketch.

The styling options (stroke layer, fill layer, pen width, etc.) must be defined in the sub-sketch and are preserved by sketch(). Layers IDs are preserved and will be created if needed.

The current transformation matrix is applied on the sub-sketch before inclusion in the main sketch.


sub_sketch -- sketch to draw in the current sketch

vpype(pipeline: str) None#

Execute a vpype pipeline on the current sketch.

Calling this function is equivalent to the following pseudo-command:

$ vpype [load from sketch] pipeline [save to sketch]

See vpype’s documentation for more information the commands available.


  • vpype is unaware of transforms. This means that any coordinates and length passed to vpype is interpreted as if no transform was applied. vpype does understand units though. If you used transforms to work in a different unit than CSS pixel (e.g. vsk.scale("1cm"), then use the same unit with vpype() (e.g. vsk.vpype("crop 1cm 1cm 10cm 10cm").

  • vpype is unaware of the automatic centering mechanism built in size(), display() and save(). The pipeline is applied on the un-centered geometries. In some case, it may be useful to pass center=False to size() to avoid confusion.

  • It is not recommended to use layer manipulation commands (e.g. lmove, ldelete, and lcopy) as this can lead to discrepancies with some of the metadata vsketch maintains, such as the attached pen widths (see penWidth()).


The most common use-case for this function is plot optimization:

>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> # draw stuff...
>>> vsk.vpype("linesimplify linemerge reloop linesort")
>>> vsk.save("output.svg")

This pipeline does the following:

  • linesimplify: Reduces the number of segment within all paths to the minimum needed to ensure quality. This reduces SVG file size and avoid performance issues while plotting.

  • linemerge: Merge lines whose ends are very close to avoid unnecessary pen-up/pen-down sequences. By default, this command will consider swapping the path direction for merging.

  • reloop: Randomize the location of the seam for closed paths. When many similar paths are used on a plot (say, circles), having the seam at the same location can lead to disturbing artefacts on the final plot, which this command avoids.

  • linesort: Reorder the paths to minimize the pen-up travel distance. By default, this command will consider swapping the path direction for further optimization.


pipeline -- vpype pipeline to apply to the sketch

display(paper: bool = True, pen_up: bool = False, colorful: bool = False, axes: bool = False, grid: bool = False, unit: str = 'px', fig_size: tuple[float, float] | None = None) None#

Display the sketch on screen using matplotlib.

The default options are the following:

  • The sketch is laid out on the desired page size, the boundary of which are displayed.

  • The path are colored layer by layer.

  • Pen-up trajectories are not displayed.

  • Advanced plotting options (axes, grid, custom units) are disabled.

All of the above can be controlled using the optional arguments.


In most case, the default behaviour is best:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> # draw stuff...
>>> vsk.display()

Sometimes, seeing the page boundaries and a laid out sketch is not useful:

>>> vsk.display(paper=False)

Additional options may occasionaly be useful:

>>> vsk.display(axes=True, grid=True, unit="cm")
  • paper -- if True, the sketch is laid out on the desired page size (default: True)

  • pen_up -- if True, the pen-up trajectories will be displayed (default: False)

  • colorful -- if True, use one color per path instead of per layer (default: False)

  • axes -- if True, labelled axes are displayed (default: False)

  • grid -- if True, a grid is displayed (default: False)

  • unit -- use a specific unit for the axes (default: “px”)

  • fig_size -- specify the figure size

save(file: str | TextIO, device: str | None = None, *, format: str | None = None, color_mode: str = 'layer', layer_label: str = '%d', paper_size: str | None = None, velocity: float | None = None, quiet: bool = False) None#

Save the current sketch to a SVG or HPGL file.

file may either be a file path or a IO stream handle (such as the one returned by Python’s open() built-in).

This function uses the page layout as defined by size().

Due to the nature of HPGL (which much be generated for a specific plotter device/paper size combination), the device name must always be specified. If paper_size is not provided, save() attempts to infer which paper configuration to use based on the page size provided to size(). If multiple configurations match the page size, the first one is used. In case of ambiguity, it is recommendande to specify paper_size. See vpype’s documentation for more information on HPGL generation.


Save the sketch to a SVG file:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.size("a4", landscape=True)
>>> # draw stuff...
>>> vsk.save("output.svg")

Save to a SVG file with customization:

>>> vsk.save("output.svg", color_mode="path", layer_label="layer %d")

Save to a HPGL file:

>>> vsk.save("output.hpgl", "hp7475a")

Save to a HPGL file with customization:

>>> vsk.save("output.hpgl", "hp7475a", paper_size="a4", veolocty=30)
  • file -- destination SVG file (can be a file path or text-based IO stream)

  • device -- (HPGL only) target device for the HPGL output

  • format ("svg", "hpgl") -- specify the format of the output file (default is inferred from the file extension)

  • color_mode ("none", "layer", or "path") -- (SVG only) controls how color is used for display ("none": black and white, "layer": one color per layer, "path": one color per path — default: "layer")

  • layer_label -- (SVG only) define a template for layer naming (use %d for layer ID)

  • paper_size -- (HPGL only) name of the paper size to use, as configured for the specified device (if omitted, the paper size will be inferred based on the page size specified with size())

  • velocity -- (HPGL only) if provided, a VS command will be emitted with the provided velocity

  • quiet -- (HPGL only) if set to True, silence plotter configuration and paper loading instructions

random(a: float, b: float | None = None) float#

Return a random number with an uniform distribution between specified bounds.


When using a single argument, it is used as higher bound and 0 is the lower bound:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.random(10)

When using both arguments, they are used as lower and higher bounds:

>>> vsk.random(30, 40)
  • a -- if b is provided: low bound, otherwise: high bound

  • b -- high bound


the random value

randomGaussian() float#

Return a random number according to a gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.0.


the random value

randomSeed(seed: int) None#

Set the seed for random() and randomGaussian().

By default, Vsketch instance are initialized with a random seed. By explicitly setting the seed, the sequence of number returned by random() and randomGaussian() will be reproduced predictably.

Note that each Vsketch instance has it’s own random state and will not affect other instances.


seed -- the seed to use

noise(x: float, y: float | None = None, z: float | None = None, grid_mode: bool = True) float#
noise(x: Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray, y: None | float | Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray = None, z: None | float | Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray = None, grid_mode: bool = True) numpy.ndarray

Returns the Perlin noise value at specified coordinates.

This function sample 1D, 2D or 3D noise space, depending on the number of coordinates provided. The coordinates may be either scalar values or vectors. In the later case, noise() can operate in grid mode (default) or not.

When x, y, and z are scalar values, this function returns a float value:

>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.noise(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

With grid mode enabled, either or all of x, y, and z can also be 1D vectors (any sequence type, such as Numpy array), each with possibly different length. noise() computes values for every combination of the input parameters:

>>> vsk.noise([0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
array([0.73779253, 0.7397108 , 0.73590816, 0.72425246, 0.69773313])
>>> vsk.noise([0., 1.], np.linspace(0., 1., 5))
array([[0.73779253, 0.61588815, 0.52075717, 0.48219902, 0.50484146],
       [0.59085755, 0.67609827, 0.73308901, 0.74057962, 0.75528381]])
>>> vsk.noise(np.linspace(0., 1., 100), np.linspace(0., 1., 50), [0, 100]).shape
(100, 50, 2)

With grid mode disabled, the provided input coordinates must all have the same shape and the returned array will also have this shape. In this example, the Perlin 2D noise field is sample along the diagonal:

>>> vsk.noise(np.linspace(0, 1, 10), np.linspace(0, 1, 10), grid_mode=False)
array([0.57731468, 0.58830833, 0.61182686, 0.59998289, 0.64938922,
0.68599367, 0.62879284, 0.6615939 , 0.73334911, 0.76806402])

The vectorised version of noise() is several orders of magnitude faster than the corresponding scalar calls. It is thus strongly recommended to use few, out-of-loop, vectorized calls instead of many in-loop scalar calls.

For a given Vsketch instance, a given coordinate will always yield the same pseudo-random value, unless another seed is set (noiseSeed()).

See Processing’s description of Perlin noise for background information.

  • x -- X coordinate in the noise space

  • y -- Y coordinate in the noise space (if provided)

  • z -- Z coordinate in the noise space (if provided)

  • grid_mode -- enable grid mode (default: True)


noise value between 0.0 and 1.0

noiseDetail(lod: int, falloff: float | None = None) None#

Adjusts parameters of the Perlin noise function.

By default, noise is computed over 4 octaves with each octave contributing exactly half of it s predecessors. This falloff as well as the number of octaves can be adjusted with this function

See also

  • lod -- number of octaves to use

  • falloff -- ratio of amplitude of one octave with respect to the previous one

noiseSeed(seed: int) None#

Set the random seed for noise().

See also



seed -- the seed

static lerp(start: float | complex | numpy.ndarray, stop: float | complex | numpy.ndarray, amt: float) float | complex | numpy.ndarray#

Interpolate between two numbers or arrays.

The amt parameter is the amount to interpolate between the two values where 0.0 equal to the first point, 0.1 is very near the first point, 0.5 is half-way in between, etc.


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.lerp(0., 10, 0.3)
>>> vsk.lerp(np.array([0, 1, 2]), np.array(10, 11, 12), 0.5)
array([5., 6., 7.])
  • start -- start value or array

  • stop -- end value or array

  • amt -- value between 0. and 1.


interpolated value or array

static map(value: float | numpy.ndarray, start1: float, stop1: float, start2: float, stop2: float) float | numpy.ndarray#

Map a value from one range to the other.

Input values are not clamped. This function accept float or NumPy array, in which case it also returns a Numpy array.


>>> vsk = Vsketch()
>>> vsk.map(5, 0, 10, 40, 60)
>>> vsk.map(-1, 0, 1, 0, 30)
>>> vsk.map(np.arange(5), 0, 5, 10, 30)
array([10., 14., 18., 22., 26.])
  • value -- value or array of value to re-map

  • start1 -- low bound of the value’s current range

  • stop1 -- high bound of the value’s current range

  • start2 -- low bound of the target range

  • stop2 -- high bound of the target range


the re-maped value or array

static easing(value: float, mode: str = 'linear', start1: float = 0.0, stop1: float = 1.0, start2: float = 0.0, stop2: float = 1.0, low_dead: float = 0.0, high_dead: float = 0.0, param: float = 10) float#
static easing(value: numpy.ndarray, mode: str = 'linear', start1: float = 0.0, stop1: float = 1.0, start2: float = 0.0, stop2: float = 1.0, low_dead: float = 0.0, high_dead: float = 0.0, param: float = 10) numpy.ndarray

Map a value from one range to another, using an easing function.

Easing functions specify the rate of change of a parameter over time (or any other input). This function provides a way to apply an easing function on a value.

The mode parameter specify the easing function to use. Check the easing example for a list and a demo of all easing functions.

The input value may be a single float or a Numpy array of float.

Input values are clamped to [start1, stop1] and mapped to [start2, stop2]. Further, a lower and/or high dead zone can be specified as a fraction of the range using low_dead and high_dead. If delta = stop1 - start1, the actual input range is [start1 + low_dead * delta, stop1 - high_dead * delta].

The param argument is used by some easing functions.

  • value -- input value(s)

  • mode -- easing function to use

  • start1 -- start of the input range

  • stop1 -- end of the input range

  • start2 -- start of the output range

  • stop2 -- end of the output range

  • low_dead -- lower dead zone (fraction of input range)

  • high_dead -- higher dead zone (fraction of input range)

  • param -- parameter use


converted value(s)

textMode(mode: str) None#

Controls how text is laid out.

There are two options for the text mode:
  • “transform”, where the font itself is subject to the current transform matrix, including translation, scaling, rotation, skewing and flipping.

  • “label”, where the text is only scaled and translated using the current transform matrix, but is not rotated, skewed or flipped.

See also


mode ("transform", or "label") -- text layout mode to use.

text(text: str, x: float = 0.0, y: float = 0.0, *, width: float | None = None, font: str = 'futural', size: float | str = '12pt', mode: str | None = None, align: str = 'left', line_spacing: float = 1.0, justify: bool = False) None#

Add text to your sketch!

This can add either lines or blocks of text to your sketch. The default is to add a line of text, but if width is specified, then a block of text will be created that width.

The fonts available are the same as those available from vpype.

A size of 1.0 means the maximum font height will be as long as a line 1.0 long (given current transform).

The mode here is special. There are two options for the mode:
  • “transform”, where the font itself is subject to the current transform matrix, including translation, scaling, rotation, skewing and flipping.

  • “label”, where the text is only moved and scaled using the current transform matrix, but is not rotated, skewed or flipped.

The text mode can also be set using textMode().

align controls the text alignment, and can be “left”, “right” or “center”.

line_spacing and justify are only used when width is specified, and they allow you to control the line spacing and justification of your block of text.

See also

  • text -- text to add to the sketch

  • x -- the x coordinate of the anchor point for the text. This sets either the leftmost, rightmost, or centre point of the first line of text, depending on the value of align.

  • y -- the y coordinate of the anchor point for the text. This sets the centre line of the first line of text.

  • width -- if given, wraps the text to this width and creates a text block, not a text line. A text block may be multi-line.

  • size -- the font size. It is highly recommended to give this as a float (in document units) in “transform” mode, and an absolute size such as “12pt” in “label” mode.

  • font -- a vpype font

  • mode -- “transform” or “label”, see description for details.

  • align -- “left”, “right”, or “center”. See also x and y args.

  • line_spacing -- Gives the line spacing for a text block, in multiples of size. No effect without width.

  • justify -- whether to justify the text block. No effect without width.

class vsketch.Shape(vsk: vsketch.Vsketch)#

Reusable and drawable shape with support for boolean operations.

A shape is a reusable graphical element made of polygons, lines and points. Shapes are built using primitives in a very similar way to how Vsketch works with the added capability of using boolean drawing operation (union, difference, intersection, or exclusive union).

Shapes must be created using a Vsketch instance:

shape = vsk.createShape()

Shapes consist of an area (which may be disjoint and have holes), a set of lines, and a set of points (both of which may be empty). Lines and points are added to the shape using the line(), bezier(), and point() methods.

The shape’s area can be built with primitives similar to that of Vsketch:

shape.square(0, 0, 1, mode="radius")
shape.square(0.5, 0.5, 1, mode="radius")

By default, an union operation applied when new primitives are added. Other boolean operations are available. For example, a hole can be punched in the shape as follows:

shape.circle(0, 0, 0.5, mode="radius", op="difference")

Finally, a shape can be drawn to a sketch with the Vsketch.shape() method:


Vsketch.shape() can control whether the lines and points which intersects with the shape’s area are masked. For example, it’s best to enable masking when the shape’s area is to be hatched. See Vsketch.shape()’s documentation for details.


It is helpful to understand the fundamental difference between a Vsketch and Shape instance.

At any point in time, Vsketch instances contains a set of paths which correspond exactly to what the plotter will draw and is considered read-only (One of the reason for that is that scaling existing geometries would invalidate any hatching).

On the other hand, a Shape instance is an abstract geometrical representation which can, at any point in time, be further modified, for example using the difference mode (which subtracts a primitive from the existing shape). This abstract representation is turned into actual plotter line work (including hatching if enabled with Vsketch.fill()) only when it is drawn in a sketch using Vsketch.shape(). At this point, the final scaling is applied (based on the current transformation matrix), the hatching (if any) is computed, points are transformed into small circles (see Vsketch.point()), and the resulting, ready-to-be-plotted paths are added to the sketch.



point(x, y)

Add a point to the shape.

line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Add a line to the shape.

circle(x, y, diameter, radius, mode, op)

Add a circle to the shape.

ellipse(x, y, w, h, mode, op)

Add an ellipse to the shape.

arc(x, y, w, h, start, stop, degrees, close, mode, op)

Add an arc to the shape.

rect(x, y, w, h, *radii, tl, tr, br, bl, mode, op)

Add a rectangle to the shape.

square(x, y, extent, mode, op)

Add a square to the shape.

quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, op)

Add a quadrilateral to the shape.

triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, op)

Add a triangle to the shape.

polygon(x, y, holes, close, op)

Add a polygon to the shape.

geometry(shape, op)

Add a Shapely geometry to the shape.

bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)

Add a Bezier curve to the shape.

shape(shape, op)

Combine the shape with another shape.


point(x: float, y: float) None#

Add a point to the shape. :param x: X coordinate of the point :param y: Y coordinate of the point

line(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None#

Add a line to the shape.

  • x1 -- X coordinate of starting point

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of starting point

  • x2 -- X coordinate of ending point

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of ending point

circle(x: float, y: float, diameter: float | None = None, radius: float | None = None, mode: str | None = None, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add a circle to the shape.

The level of detail used to approximate the circle is controlled by Vsketch.detail(). As for the ellipse() function, the way arguments are interpreted is influenced by the mode argument or the mode set with Vsketch.ellipseMode() of the Vsketch instance used to create the shape.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the circle is added to the shape), difference (the circle is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the circle is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and circle are kept).


>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.circle(0, 0, 10)  # by default, diameter is used
>>> vsk.circle(0, 0, radius=5)  # radius can be specified instead
  • x -- x coordinate of the center

  • y -- y coordinate of the center

  • diameter -- circle diameter (or None if using radius)

  • radius -- circle radius (or None if using diameter

  • mode -- one of ‘center’, ‘radius’, ‘corner’, ‘corners’

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

ellipse(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, mode: str | None = None, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add an ellipse to the shape.

The way x, y, w, and h parameters are interpreted depends on the current ellipse mode of the Vsketch instance used to create the shape.

By default, x and y set the location of the ellipse center, w sets its width, and h sets its height. The way these parameters are interpreted can be changed with the mode argument or the Vsketch.ellipseMode() function of the Vsketch instance used to create the shape.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the ellipse is added to the shape), difference (the ellipse is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the ellipse is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and ellipse are kept).


By default, the argument are interpreted as the center coordinates as well as the width and height:

>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.ellipse(2, 2, 1, 4)

Alternative ellipse mode can be set as the default for subsequence calls with ellipseMode():

>>> vsk.ellipseMode(mode="radius")
>>> vsk.ellipse(3, 3, 2, 1)
>>> vsk.ellipse(8, 8, 2, 1)  # both of these call are in "radius" mode

Or they can be set for a single call only:

>>> vsk.ellipse(2, 2, 10, 12, mode="corners")
  • x -- by default, x coordinate of the ellipse center

  • y -- by default, y coordinate of the ellipse center

  • w -- by default, the ellipse width

  • h -- by default, the ellipse height

  • mode -- “corner”, “corners”, “radius”, or “center” (see ellipseMode())

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

arc(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, start: float, stop: float, degrees: bool | None = False, close: str | None = 'no', mode: str | None = None, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add an arc to the shape.

The way x, y, w, and h parameters are interpreted depends on the current ellipse mode (see ellipse() for a detailed explanation) and refer to the arc’s underlying ellipse.

The close parameter controls the arc’s closure: no keeps it open, chord closes it with a straight line, and pie connects the two endings with the arc center.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the arc is added to the shape), difference (the arc is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the arc is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and arc are kept).


>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.arc(2, 3, 5, 4, 0, np.pi / 2)
>>> vsk.arc(6, 6, 1, 2, np.pi / 2, np.pi, mode="corner", close="pie")
  • x -- by default, X coordinate of the associated ellipse center

  • y -- by default, Y coordinate of the associated ellipse center

  • w -- by default, width of the associated ellipse

  • h -- by default, height of the associated ellipse

  • start -- angle to start the arc (in radians)

  • stop -- angle to stop the arc (in radians)

  • degrees -- set to True to use degrees for start and stop angles (default: False)

  • close -- “no”, “chord” or “pie” (default: “no”)

  • mode -- “corner”, “corners”, “radius”, or “center” (see ellipseMode())

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

rect(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, *radii: float, tl: float | None = None, tr: float | None = None, br: float | None = None, bl: float | None = None, mode: str | None = None, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add a rectangle to the shape.

The way x, y, w, and h parameters are interpreted depends on the current rect mode of the Vsketch instance used to create the shape.

By default, x and y set the location of the upper-left corner, w sets the width, and h sets the height. The way these parameters are interpreted can be changed with the mode argument or the rectMode() function of the Vsketch instance used to create this shape.

The optional parameters tl, tr, br and bl define the radius used for each corner (default: 0). If some corner radius is not specified, it will be set equal to the previous corner radius. If the sum of two consecutive corner radii are greater than their associated edge lenght, their values will be rescaled to fit the rectangle.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the rectangle is added to the shape), difference (the rectangle is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the rectangle is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and rectangle are kept).


By default, the argument are interpreted as the top left corner as well as the width and height:

>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 2, 4)  # 2x4 rectangle with top-left corner at (0, 0)

Alternative rect mode can be set as the default for subsequence calls with rectMode():

>>> vsk.rectMode(mode="radius")
>>> vsk.rect(3, 3, 2, 1)
>>> vsk.rect(8, 8, 2, 1)  # both of these call are in "radius" mode

Or they can be set for a single call only:

>>> vsk.rect(2, 2, 10, 12, mode="corners")

Drawing rectangles with rounded corners:

>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 5, 5, 5)  # all corners are rounded with a radius of 5
>>> vsk.rect(0, 0, 4, 4, 1.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1)  # all corner radii specified
>>> vsk.rect(5, 5, 20, 20, tr=3, bl=5)  # specified corners rounded, others
                                        # default to 0
  • x -- by default, x coordinate of the top-left corner

  • y -- by default, y coordinate of the top-left corner

  • w -- by default, the rectangle width

  • h -- by default, the rectangle height (same as width if not provided)

  • tl -- top-left corner radius (0 if not provided)

  • tr -- top-right corner radius (same as tl if not provided)

  • br -- bottom-right corner radius (same as tr if not provided)

  • bl -- bottom-left corner radius (same as br if not provided)

  • mode -- “corner”, “corners”, “radius”, or “center” (see rectMode())

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

square(x: float, y: float, extent: float, mode: str | None = None, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add a square to the shape.

As for the rect() function, the way arguments are interpreted is influenced by the mode set with the mode argument or the Vsketch.rectMode() of the Vsketch instance used to create the shape.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the square is added to the shape), difference (the square is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the square is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and square are kept).


>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.square(2, 2, 2.5)
  • x -- X coordinate of top-left corner

  • y -- Y coordinate of top-left corner

  • extent -- width and height of the square

  • mode -- “corner”, “radius”, or “center” (see rectMode()) — note that the “corners” mode is meaningless for this function, and is interpreted as the “corner” mode

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

quad(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, x4: float, y4: float, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add a quadrilateral to the shape.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the quad is added to the shape), difference (the quad is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the quad is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and quad are kept).

See also


>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.quad(0, 0, 1, 3.5, 4.5, 4.5, 3.5, 1)
  • x1 -- X coordinate of the first vertex

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of the first vertex

  • x2 -- X coordinate of the second vertex

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of the second vertex

  • x3 -- X coordinate of the third vertex

  • y3 -- Y coordinate of the third vertex

  • x4 -- X coordinate of the last vertex

  • y4 -- Y coordinate of the last vertex

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

triangle(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add a triangle to the shape.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the triangle is added to the shape), difference (the triangle is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the triangle is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and triangle are kept).


>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.triangle(2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2.5)
  • x1 -- X coordinate of the first corner

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of the first corner

  • x2 -- X coordinate of the second corner

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of the second corner

  • x3 -- X coordinate of the third corner

  • y3 -- Y coordinate of the third corner

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

polygon(x: Iterable[float] | Iterable[Sequence[float]] | Iterable[complex], y: Iterable[float] | None = None, holes: Iterable[Iterable[Sequence[float]]] = (), close: bool = False, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add a polygon to the shape.

This function support multiple boolean mode with the op argument: union (default, the polygon is added to the shape), difference (the polygon is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the polygon is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and polygon are kept).


A single iterable of size-2 sequence can be used:

>>> import vsketch
>>> vsk = vsketch.Vsketch()
>>> vsk.polygon([(0, 0), (2, 3), (3, 2)])

A 1-dimension iterable of complex can also be used:

>>> vsk.polygon([3 + 3j, 2 + 5j, 4 + 7j])

Alternatively, two iterables of float can be passed:

>>> vsk.polygon([0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 2])

The polygon can be automatically closed if needed:

>>> vsk.polygon([0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 2], close=True)

Finally, polygons can have holes, which is useful when using fill():

>>> vsk.polygon([0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1],
...             holes=[[(0.3, 0.3), (0.3, 0.6), (0.6, 0.6)]])
  • x -- X coordinates or iterable of size-2 points (if y is omitted)

  • y -- Y coordinates

  • holes -- list of holes inside the polygon

  • close -- the polygon is closed if True

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

geometry(shape: shapely.geometry.LineString | shapely.geometry.LinearRing | shapely.geometry.MultiPoint | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon | shapely.geometry.MultiLineString | shapely.geometry.Point | shapely.geometry.Polygon, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Add a Shapely geometry to the shape.

This function should accept any of LineString, LinearRing, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, Point, or Polygon.

This function support multiple boolean modes with the op argument: union (default, the geometry is added to the shape), difference (the geometry is cut off the shape), intersection (only the overlapping part of the geometry is kept in the shape), or symmetric_difference (only the none overlapping parts of the shape and geometry are kept). The op argument is ignored if shape is a MultiPoint or Point object.

  • shape (Shapely geometry) -- a supported shapely geometry object

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

bezier(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, x3: float, y3: float, x4: float, y4: float) None#

Add a Bezier curve to the shape.

Bezier curves are defined by a series of anchor and control points. The first two arguments specify the first anchor point and the last two arguments specify the other anchor point. The middle arguments specify the control points which define the shape of the curve.

The level of detail of the bezier curve is controlled using the Vsketch.detail() method on the Vsketch instance used to create the shape.

  • x1 -- X coordinate of the first anchor point

  • y1 -- Y coordinate of the first anchor point

  • x2 -- X coordinate of the first control point

  • y2 -- Y coordinate of the first control point

  • x3 -- X coordinate of the second control point

  • y3 -- Y coordinate of the second control point

  • x4 -- X coordinate of the second anchor point

  • y4 -- Y coordinate of the second anchor point

shape(shape: Shape, op: BooleanOperation = 'union') None#

Combine the shape with another shape.

This function can combine another shape with this shape, using various boolean mode. When op is set to "union", the shape’s polygons, lines and points are merged into this instance. When using other operations ("difference", "intersection", or "symmetric_difference"), the corresponding operation is applied with shape’s polygon, but its lines and points are ignored.

  • shape -- the shape to combine

  • op -- one of ‘union’, ‘difference’, ‘intersection’, or ‘symmetric_difference’

class vsketch.SketchClass#

Base class for sketch managed with the vsk CLI tool.

Subclass must override draw() and finalize().



display(*args, **kwargs)

class Execute the sketch class and display the results using Vsketch.display().


abc Draws the sketch.


abc Finalize the sketch before export.


classmethod display(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None#

Execute the sketch class and display the results using Vsketch.display().

All parameters are forwarded to Vsketch.display().

abstract draw(vsk: vsketch.vsketch.Vsketch) None#

Draws the sketch.

This function must be implemented by subclasses.

abstract finalize(vsk: vsketch.vsketch.Vsketch) None#

Finalize the sketch before export.

This function must be implemented by subclasses.

class vsketch.Param(value: _T, min_value: _T | None = None, max_value: _T | None = None, *, choices: Iterable[_T] | None = None, step: None | float | int = None, unit: str = '', decimals: int | None = None)#

Bases: Generic[_T]

Generic parameter for SketchClass.

This class implements a generic parameter for SketchClass instances. Parameters can be interacted with in the vsk viewer and support functionalities such as saved configuration and parameter space exploration with vsk save.